
I'm so glad you're here! This is our story. God has lead us to adoption to build our family and here you will find my real and raw experiences with joys and triumphs as well as struggles and sadness. I hope you're encouraged by our story of God's faithfulness and His love for us!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Manic Monday

Here I am, 12am and typing away when I should be in bed! Last night I was researching preschool curriculum and tonight I'm exhaustedly staying awake to have a few moments to call my own today.

This week has been a challenge for me. It's my first week of hosting after school rehearsals with my fourth graders at school. It's looking like it's solid late days from now till April and I'm wondering how I'm going to manage. I just need to keep my perspective in the right place. I'm blessed to have a job that allows me to be home the majority of the time and that pays the bills. Who am I to complain when there are so many that have to work full time or who are out of work. God is providing for my family and I get to choose to press on choose an attitude of joy and thankfulness.

For the past 6 weeks I had been counting on getting our adoption paperwork in the mail by February 14. So yesterday I was so proud of myself as I headed into the Post Office! I had met my goal of getting all my paperwork in the mail on Monday, February 14, 2011! When does that ever happen in an adoption? It's just like anything else requiring paperwork. There are delays that are just unforseen and impossible to plan for. I went straight to the Post Office after work to excitedly put these precious pieces of paper in the mail, pick up an envelope and begin addressing it. Using the address typed boldly on the paperwork, I got to the last line and realized it was the address of their old office in Martinez rather than the Pleasant Hill office. No problem! That's the beauty of the 21st century. My trusty phone was there for me to do a search and find the right address!I must have been standing there for at least 20 minutes attempting to find the address. No address. Nowhere on their website for adoptions was there an address! I called every phone number, no answer. I left a message and sadly I came to grips with the fact that my precious papers will have to wait for another day...

Oh, and I still had to wait in the line that had tripled in length since I had walked in to pay for the envelope with the wrong address on it!!!

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